I enjoy painting with water color. I don't know why I try to distract myself from using it, because every time I do use it, I enjoy it. Something about it is so...sloppy; and the sloppy part is what makes it enjoyable. Something about dabbing and flicking the brush... I kind of throw precision to the wind with it--and yet manage to obtain a better feel with it.

The modeled drawing in water color. Nothing new. I've decided to post both the grayscale and color images of the water colors. I find pleasure in using whatever colors suit my fancy to describe depth. This babe is purple. I'm not sure what her name is; I found her among the pictures of Michelle Khor's Facebook account.

And the four-hour modeled drawing in water color. Only one hour so far. Actually, less than thirty minutes. Thirty minutes is pretty much tops for me for in any particular artistical sitting at this time in my life. The beautiful Debbie (actually, I felt like saying Deborah, but I don't know if that's actually her name) Ong has again claimed my fascination. Looks like we're in it for the long haul this time, Deb. Blue's a good color on you.